Celebrating 400 years of Don Quixote
James A. Parr
págs. 1-3
Theater and politics in four film versions of the Quijote
Jane W. Albrecht
págs. 4-10
Don Quixote and the war of the Alpujarras: the historical debasement of Chivalry as a correlative to its literary parody
William Childers
págs. 11-19
Quixotic Pedagogy: Or, Putting the Teacher to the test
Edward H. Friedman
págs. 20-31
págs. 32-40
págs. 41-52
págs. 53-63
Don Quijote on the plains: harnessing enthusiasm for the Quijote at the undergraduate level
Patricia Manning Lestrade
págs. 64-71
Manipulation of narrative discourse: from Amadis de Gaula to Don Quixote
Shannon Polchow
págs. 72-81
Don Quijote and the age of Simulacra
Alvaro Ramírez
págs. 82-90
Duplicitous diegesis: Don Quijote and Charlie Kaufman's adaptation
Bárbara Simerka, Christopher B. Weimer
págs. 91-100
Don Quijote and 9-11: the clash of civilizations and the birth of the Modern Novel
Roberto Véguez
págs. 101-113
Relatos de experiencias propias como estrategia en la enseñanza-aprendizaje de una segunda lengua
mark Warford, Esther Sehnalek
págs. 172-181
Community based learning in rural Guatemala
Robert F. Sanders
págs. 182-189
págs. 190-200