How does home language influence early spellings?: Phonologically plausible errors of diglossic Malay children
Sajlia Binte Jalil, Susan J. Rickard Liow
págs. 535-552
Is second language lexical access prosodically constrained?: Processing of word stress by French Canadian second language learners of English
Annie Tremblay
págs. 553-584
Expressive language style among adolescents and adults with Williams syndrome
Nicole A. Crawford, Lisa R. Edelson, Daniela Plesa-Skwerer, Helen Tager-Flusberg
págs. 585-602
Amy C. Crosson, Nonie K. Lesaux, Maria Martiniello
págs. 603-625
Is overt repetition critical to expressive word learning?: The role of overt repetition in word learning with and without semantics
Brandon Abbs, Prahlad Gupta, Naveen Khetarpal
págs. 627-667
Verbal, visual, and spatial working memory demands during text composition
Thierry Olive, Ronald T. Kellogg, Annie Piolat
págs. 669-687
The acquisition of tense in English: Distinguishing child second language from first language and specific language impairment
Johanne Paradis, Mabel L. Rice, Martha Crago, Janet G. Marquis
págs. 689-722