Formats for other-initiation of repair across languages: An exercise in pragmatic typology
Mark Dingemanse, Joe Blythe, Tyko Dirksmeyer
págs. 5-43
Variation in pronominal indexing: Lexical stipulation vs. referential properties in Alor-Pantar languages
Sebastian Fedden, Dunstan Brown, František Kratochvíl, Laura C. Robinson, Antoinette Schapper
págs. 44-79
págs. 80-127
págs. 128-170
págs. 171-209
Zikmundová, Veronika. 2013. Spoken Sibe — Morphology of the inflected parts of speech.
Andreas Hölzl
Es reseña de:
Spoken Sibe — Morphology of the inflected parts of speech.
Veronika Zikmundová
Prague : Karolinum Press, 2013
págs. 211-219
Steven Moran
Es reseña de:
Quantitative approaches to linguistic diversity: commemorating the centenary of the birth of Morris Swadesh
Soren Wichmann (ed. lit.), Anthony P. Grant (ed. lit.)
Oxford : John Benjamins, 2012
págs. 220-233
Winfried Boeder
Es reseña de:
Possession, Quantitative Typologie und Semiotik. Georgisch, Irisch, Türkisch
Thomas Stolz (ed. lit.), Cornelia Stroh (ed. lit.)
págs. 234-238