A Lion of a Man: Buddhist Japonisme and Krausist Masculinity in Galdós's La familia de León Roch
David R. George JR.
págs. 491-516
págs. 517-539
págs. 541-560
"No fue engaño; fue prudencia": Maternidad y liderazgo político en El rey más perfeto de Antonio Enríquez Gómez
Carmen Saen de Casas
págs. 561-582
Auditar la selva: Finanzas, burocracia y desequilibrio en La vorágine de José Eustasio Rivera
Nicolás Sánchez Rodríguez
págs. 583-605
Genealogía del conocimiento en el Neptuno alegórico: Isis, Neptuno y Minerva
María Miranda Medina
págs. 607-628
Fatos são palavras ditas pelo mundo": Contendas da escrita e ressignificação do real em A hora da estrela de Clarice Lispector
Renata Pontes
págs. 629-651
Traces of the Unseen: Photography, Violence, and Modernization in Early Twentieth-Century Latin America by Carolina Sá Carvalho (review)
Amanda Mignonne Smith
Es reseña de:
Traces of the Unseen: Photography, Violence, and Modernization in Early Twentieth-Century Latin America
Carolina Sá Carvalho
Northwestern University Press, 2023
págs. 653-657
Non-Literary Fiction: Art of the Americas under Neoliberalism by Esther Gabara (review)
Jerónimo Duarte Riascos
Es reseña de:
Non-Literary Fiction: Art of the Americas under Neoliberalism
Esther Gabara
University of Chicago Press, 2022
págs. 657-660
Borges and the Literary Marketplace: How Editorial Practices Shaped Cosmopolitan Reading by Nora C. Benedict (review)
Alejandra Uslenghi
Es reseña de:
Borges and the Literary Marketplace: How Editorial Practices Shaped Cosmopolitan Reading
Nora C. Benedict
Yale University Press, 2021
págs. 660-664
The Language of the In-Between: Travestis, Post-Hegemony, and Writing in Contemporary Chile and Peru by Erika Almenara (review)
Javier Muñoz Díaz
Es reseña de:
The Language of the In-Between: Travestis, Post-Hegemony, and Writing in Contemporary Chile and Peru
Erika Almenara
University of Pittsburgh Press, 2022
págs. 664-668