Timothy Lee Face, Scott M. Alvord
The preseul study considera Ihe case nf exceplinnal histus which receul literature reporla lo exial in Ihe syllshiñcstinn nf cerlain vocoid sequences in Peninsular varieties nf Spsnish. The polential influence nf lexical sud aconstiz factura un Ihe perception nf Ihe syllahiñcslion nf Ihese vocoid sequences la considered. leía shnwn thai hoth lexical and ácnuslic facínra iniluence perceptinn. An experimeul wsa conducted In determine Ihe relalive alrength of Ihe lexícal and Ihe acnuslíc faclora u aIreas perceplínn, huí the resulta were confoanded hy Ihe dominauce nf su anexpecled faclnr in perceplinn. The frequeucy nf nccurrence nf dífferent ayllshiñcatinn pallerna prnved In playa large role in Ihe perceptino, causing suhjects In emplny linguislic prediction hased on Ihe rnnsl cnrnrnon palterna fnund in Ihe langusge. Ihis study prnvides insighl inín Ihe perception of syllshiñcalinn palterna in Spsnish, and presenta new data in suppnrl nf usage-hased mndels nf lexical sínrage