Yi-Shan Chien
A diferencia de la gramática para extranjeros, la gramática descriptiva o teórica se dirige a los nativos y los profesores o especialistas de la lengua, por lo cual esta explica detalladamente las cuestiones gramaticales empleando los tecnicismos lingüísticos y presenta todos los contenidos posibles de la gramática española. Sin duda alguna, las detalladas cuestiones lingüísticas que señala la gramática descriptiva son poco adecuadas para la enseñanza de ELE. No obstante, en vista de que el chino, comparado con el español, pertenece a otra familia lingüística totalmente diferente y posee una gama de vocabulario menos amplia, por ejemplo, los nexos, ¿sería posible aprovechar algunos aspectos de la gramática descriptiva para la enseñanza dirigida a los sinohablantes? El presente trabajo trata de estudiar el papel de algunos contenidos semánticos y explicaciones sobre la función de narrar hechos del pasado que señala la gramática descriptiva en la clase de expresión escrita del nivel A2 de Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las Lenguas de los alumnos taiwaneses. Y posteriormente, se evalúa su aplicación por medio de las pruebas y producción textual de los alumnos.
Descriptive or theoretical grammar textbooks are generally used by native speakers and also by teachers or language specialists. This type of grammar explains in detail all grammatical issues using linguistic terminology and it also presents the full content of the grammar. On the other hand, grammar textbooks for foreign language learners tend to present more simplified content. It would seem that all the detailed linguistic issues present in the descriptive grammar would be unsuitable for teaching Spanish as a foreign language. However, considering that Chinese belongs to a completely different language family and has a less extensive range of vocabulary compared to Spanish, take for example, conjunctions, could some aspects from the descriptive grammar be used to teach Spanish as a foreign language to Mandarin speakers? This paper aims to analyze how the descriptive grammar can be applied in the A2 level writing class, specifically the communicative function of narrating past events. Furthermore, the role of this type of grammar will be evaluated through the assessments as well as textual production of the students.Descriptive or theoretical grammar textbooks are generally used by native speakers and also by teachers or language specialists. This type of grammar explains in detail all grammatical issues using linguistic terminology and it also presents the full content of the grammar. On the other hand, grammar textbooks for foreign language learners tend to present more simplified content. It would seem that all the detailed linguistic issues present in the descriptive grammar would be unsuitable for teaching Spanish as a foreign language. However, considering that Chinese belongs to a completely different language family and has a less extensive range of vocabulary compared to Spanish, take for example, conjunctions, could some aspects from the descriptive grammar be used to teach Spanish as a foreign language to Mandarin speakers? This paper aims to analyze how the descriptive grammar can be applied in the A2 level writing class, specifically the communicative function of narrating past events. Furthermore, the role of this type of grammar will be evaluated through the assessments as well as textual production of the students.