The contributinos of Africano boye left significant marko 00 many aspecto of Latin American life incloding ito history, ito people, ito mosic, ito religion, ito titeratore, ito langoage, and even ita everyday culture. The African element is nne of threc main componento in the shaping of the multi-ethnic culture of Latin America. Yet, the African presence in these domaino has beco ignored or downplayed in most textbooks and cinas matermis. Through a closer look into cadi of chese aspecto, teachero can begin to address tic imbalance created by tie teaciing of Hispanie cutturcs from onty a Eurocentric peropective. Ibis paper examines key contributiono tiat Africano have brougit to Latin America in an cffort to provide a first step to those tendiera who wootd tike to integrate African tiernes in aheir etasaes