Gerona, España
Este estudio se divide en dos partes. En la primera se revela que, durante su estancia en Flandes, Francisco de Aldana perteneció a la Accademia dei Confusi de Amberes, y se da noticia de un nuevo soneto, no recogido en las ediciones que preparó su hermano Cosme. En la segunda se aportan varias nuevas menciones de este poeta entre 1594 y 1635, lo que permite indagar sobre su fama póstuma y la imagen que de él tuvieron los escritores de esa época.
This study is divided in two parts. The first part reveals that Francisco de Aldana belonged to the Accademia dei Confusi in Antwerp during his stay in Flanders and provides information about an unknown sonnet, which has not been included into the editions prepared by his brother Cosme. The second part of this paper reports several new mentions about this poet, dated between 1594 and 1635. These data allows us to explore his posthumous fame as well as to reconsider the conception that some writers of that period had about him.